Wednesday, July 6, 2016

[ELISTAGRAM] 160707 Eli's Update


It's already been one month since Michael was born. Wow! People say how their kids grow in a blink of an eye, and to cherish these moments, but I never could actually understand what they were talking about until now. It's already been a month since Michael's birth and he's already grown so much! This past year has been rough and a big challenge not just for me but also my wife and family and especially our U-Kiss members but thanks to all of your support this past year we were and are able to get through it no prob. And also thank you all so much for all of your gifts and letters (left my wife in tears)! Thank you all so much! I will always work harder to be a better U-Kiss member a better father and a better husband! Love you guys! #havinamoment #1month #Michael#Minsoo #thankful #thankfultokissmes#thankfultoukiss #thankfultomywife#thankfulforhappiness #loveyouall#lovemybabies #bothofthem#repostingbecausekiseopaccidentallypushedthesendbuttonandmademedeleteandstartallover 



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